June 16-19, 2011.  Jim Piper planned a great trip to see the Spruce Goose, the war birds, and the Space Museum in McMinnville, OR. He also arranged a great tour of some local Wineries in the DAF Wine Wagon. See our web site for Wine Wagon pictures. Six aircraft and fifteen DAFers attended. Jim also made dinner reservations for us at some of the local eateries. I especially enjoyed the "Rack of Lamb" at Nick's Italian Café. Wayne, in what can only be described as a gastric orgasm, wolfed down Nick's famous Lamb Sausage Tartare. Fortunately, he washed it down with a large snifter of Grappa. A great time was had by all. Many thanks, Jim and Diana.


Sadly, Jim & Diana returned to Torrance on Friday to attend DAFer Jake Clark's memorial service.