Las-VegasBlue skies, reasonably smooth air and a nice dry heat greeted 13 DAFers for the Las Vegas fly-in on October 7-9.  After unpacking in our very nice rooms at the MGM Grand, everyone met up in Peter and Liz's room for the traditional Happy Hour.  Most of the group ended up having dinner together Friday night at Wolfgang Pucks.

On Saturday morning, a few of the group headed out to tour Hoover Dam - the less energetic took the opportunity to sleep in.  On Saturday evening, the group converged at the Paris Hotel, had a quick drink, and then sat down for the Jersey Boys show.  The show was very good and a lot of fun (and exceeded this writer's expectations)

joomplu:2834A number of Liz's family also came to the show, and everyone had a chance to "Meet the Morski's".  There were a lot of them - it was a very Morski-rich environment.  

After the show, everyone went to the Mon Ami Gabi Bistro for dinner.  The food was fantastic - this is a very popular place.  Most everyone went back to the hotel after dinner, except for a few hearty souls who started an ill-fated search for a nearby dance place.

Thanks again to Liz Broen for organizing a very special weekend.