...They May Turn Out Like This

An outstanding turn-out of over 30 DAFer's attended May's fly-in to Santa Paula on May 18-20.  Friday evening started with Happy Hour on the patio of the Santa Paula Inn followed by a group dinner at the Familia Diaz restaurant.  On Saturday morning, everyone headed to Santa Paula to board the Murder Mystery train ride.  Just about everyone (except for a certain Canadian-sounding gentleman), got into the mood by dressing up in their finest cowperson gear.  Our group pretty much took over the dining car, where we ate, drank and bore witness to an unfolding drama (and eventual murder!).  Over 16 minutes of high-quality story and acting was crammed into the four-hour train ride. Back home in Santa Paula, another great Happy Hour on the patio, followed by a delicious tri-tip dinner overseen by chief griller Mitch Taylor.  The evening closed with awards given to best costumes (Dan and Lori Delane).  Jerry Stephens' evil twin also accepted an award on behalf of his brother.   A big thanks to Jim and Diana Morino who not only organized the trip, but provided most of the food for Saturday night's dinner.