Twenty-three DAFers in nine aircraft descended into Columbia Airport (O22) Friday October 11 for a spectacular fall weekend. The leaves were turning, the days were warm and nights cool - it could not have been better weather. Eleven of us stayed at the airport's well-kept campground, while everyone else lodged in nearby Sonora. The campers had use of the campground's kitchen pavilion for the weekend, and hosted the "townies" on Friday night for a a tri-tip and chicken dinner (grilling courtesy of master chef Mitch).

On Saturday, many of us walked around historic Columbia, where a Fall Crafts Fair was being held. On Saturday evening, it was Happy Hour at the townies' hotel followed by a group dinner in neighboring Jamestown. The weekend demonstrated that with a adequate supply of beverages, even life-embracing campers and buttoned-down townies can all get along. Thanks to Larry and Jodie Chapman for organizing this fun weekend.