IMG 0865-4895-800-600-10038 DAFers, including a contingent from Santa Rosa, descended on Loreto for the February Fly-In and Whale Watch. "Aircraft needing a margharita, say your location" was the call from the tower, and the response was immediate, although paperwork on landing was a little slow.

Saturday morning, after a sunrise breakfast and a van ride across the peninsula, we boarded our boats at Magdalena Lagoon. THe weather was perfect, not too hot but with plenty of sunshine. Whales were not only watched, but petted and given belly rubs. Up close and personal was the phrase of the day.

The hotel, with it's sunrise view across the gulf, was excellent and the bar well stocked with tequila. Aside from the brisk competition for the Bonehead award, it was a fantastic trip and a great time. Thanks to Dave Weir for arranging everything.