• Special announcement

    Save your old charts

    Anne Minder (our STEM Chair) wants to give a chart to each of the students who attend the TAA STEM event on 29 March.  Drop your outdated charts (TACs and Sectionals) in the mailbox on Hangar 2715L in the East T-Hangars.  One of the STEM segments will be plotting a route on the map and this will give them something to take home.

    This is a test DAF web site hosted by Kelvin. It is under active development. Do not use this for anything except to enjoy the experience!

    The real DAF web site is at https://delamoflyers.org

Our July meeting featured an informative presentation and slide show by Mr. Pedro Chan who expounded on the history and influence of WWII Flying Tigers and his experiences collecting memorabilia for US and Chinese museums.

"Flying Tigers" is the name for The American Volunteer Groups, China Air Task Force and the Fourteenth Army Air Force. All three were under the command of General Claire Lee Chennault to aid China against the invading Japanese.

The July meeting had the best attendance in many years, with 71 people. Thanks to Steve Sappington and Nancy Schunke for arranging this program. If you have any ideas for a future program, please contact Steve or Nancy.