• Special announcement

    Save your old charts

    Anne Minder (our STEM Chair) wants to give a chart to each of the students who attend the TAA STEM event on 29 March.  Drop your outdated charts (TACs and Sectionals) in the mailbox on Hangar 2715L in the East T-Hangars.  One of the STEM segments will be plotting a route on the map and this will give them something to take home.

    This is a test DAF web site hosted by Kelvin. It is under active development. Do not use this for anything except to enjoy the experience!

    The real DAF web site is at https://delamoflyers.org

The program for our May 20th Dinner Meeting featured fellow DAFer Cyndhi Berwyn, who presented her experiences as a volunteer pilot for Orbis, the world's only flying eye hospital. Every year, Cyndhi and a crew of volunteer doctors, nurses and support personnel fly to remote parts of the world to treat the local population suffering from eye problems, and as importantly, help enhance the skills of local doctors and nurses through training and observation. All of the volunteers use their personal vacation time to support the Orbis program. It was difficult not to tear up when watching a video of a recent Orbis mission that highlighted just a few of the thousands of children that Orbis has helped over the years.

Joe Cogan was presented with the prestigious Wings Award for all of his efforts and planning (along with Craig Ekberg) associated with the club's 2012 trip to Alamos, Mexico.  This trip was the first time many of us had flown ourselves into Mexico.  Joe helped make the trip for the newbies a problem-free and very fun experience, which in turn helped pave the way for an equally successful fly-in to Loreto, Mexico this past February.  Congratulations, Joe!