• Special announcement

    Save your old charts

    Anne Minder (our STEM Chair) wants to give a chart to each of the students who attend the TAA STEM event on 29 March.  Drop your outdated charts (TACs and Sectionals) in the mailbox on Hangar 2715L in the East T-Hangars.  One of the STEM segments will be plotting a route on the map and this will give them something to take home.

    This is a test DAF web site hosted by Kelvin. It is under active development. Do not use this for anything except to enjoy the experience!

    The real DAF web site is at https://delamoflyers.org

joomplu:2568Joe and Mitch with Speaker Nissen DavisThe May dinner meeting was the last DAF dinner meeting at Los Verdes Country Club (beginning in June, our meetings will be held at Palos Verdes Country Club).  The presentation was by Nissen Davis who, alarmed by the high suicide rate among active and recently-discharged veterans, helped organize two inspirational tours among military bases in Europe and the Middle East.  The first group was headed by astronauts Neal Armstrong, Jim Lovell and Gene Cernan; the second included celebrities from the racing world including Mario Andretti.  Attendance at all of the tour stops was standing room only, and seeing the conditions in which our military live and work reminded everyone of the enormous sacrifices these men and women make every day.